Gottlieb R and Gruntman M (2024) Belowground plant competition: uncoupling root response strategies of peas. Proceedings of the Royal Society B .291, 20240673.
Májeková M, Springer B, Ferenc V, Gruntman M, and Tielbörger K (2024) Leaf fluctuating asymmetry is not a reliable indicator of stress. Functional Ecology 38, 1447–1457.
Masawa J, Winters G, Kaminer M, Szitenberg A, Gruntman M, and Ashckenazi-Polivoda S (2024) A matter of choice: Understanding the interactions between epiphytic foraminifera and their seagrass host Halophila stipulacea. Marine Environmental Research 196, 106437.
Gruntman M and Segev U (2024) Effect of residence time on trait evolution in invasive plants: review and meta-analysis. NeoBiota 91, 99-124.
Talal ML and Gruntman M (2023) Urban nature visitation, accessibility, and impact of travel distance for sustainable cities. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 17808.
Talal ML and Gruntman M (2023) Visiting nature in the city during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers for Young Minds 11.
Robinson D, Bogdanova T, Cohen O, and Gruntman M (2023) Trade‐off between dispersal traits in a heterocarpic plant across its invasion route. American Journal of Botany e16192.
Gottlieb R and Gruntman M (2022) Can plants integrate information on aboveground competition in their directional responses belowground? Annals of Botany 130 (5), 763-771.
Grossman E and Gruntman M (2022) Simulated herbivory enhances Cd phytoextraction efficiency of sunflowers. Plant and Soil 1-10.
Talal ML and Gruntman M (2022) What Influences Shifts in Urban Nature Site Visitation During COVID-19? A Case Study in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Frontiers in Environmental Science 477.
Mohiley A, Laaser T, Höreth S, Clemens S, Tielbörger K, and Gruntman M (2021) Between the devil and the deep blue sea: herbivory induces foraging for and uptake of cadmium in a metal hyperaccumulating plant. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1959), 20211682.
Mohiley A, Tielbörger K, Weber M, Clemens S, and Gruntman M (2021) Competition for light induces metal accumulation in a metal hyperaccumulating plant. Oecologia 197, 157-165.
Mohiley A, Tielbörger K, Seifan M, and Gruntman M (2020) The role of biotic interactions in determining metal hyperaccumulation in plants. Functional Ecology 343, 658-668.
Gruntman M, Segev U, and Tielbörger K (2019) Shade-induced plasticity in invasive Impatiens glandulifera populations. Weed Research 60, 16-25.
Gruntman M, Groß D, Májeková M, and Tielbörger K (2017) Decision-making in plants under competition. Nature Communications 8, 2235.
Research Highlighted in Nature Plants
Gruntman M, Segev U, Glauser G, and Tielbörger K (2017) Evolution of plant defences along an invasion chronosequence: defence is lost due to enemy release- but not forever. Journal of Ecology 105, 255–264.
Gruntman M, Anders C, Mohiley A, Laaser T, Clemens S, Höreth S, and Tielbörger K (2017) Clonal integration and heavy-metal stress: responses of plants with contrasting evolutionary backgrounds. Evolutionary Ecology 31, 305–316.
Gruntman M, Zieger S, and Tielbörger K. (2016) Invasive success and the evolution of enhanced weaponry. Oikos 125:59-65.
Joshi S, Gruntman M, Bilton M, Seifan M, and Tielbörger K. (2014) A comprehensive test of evolutionarily increased competitive ability in a highly invasive plant species. Annals of Botany 114: 1761-1768).
Gruntman M, Pehl AK, Joshi S, and Tielbörger K (2014) Competitive dominance of the invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera: using competitive effect and response with a vigorous neighbor. Biological Invasions 16: 141-151.
Gruntman M and Novoplansky A (2011) Ontogenetic contingency of tolerance mechanisms in response to apical damage. Annals of Botany 108: 965-73.
Gruntman M, Shirata C, and Novoplansky A (2011) Plasticity in apical dominance and damage tolerance under variable resource availability in Medicago truncatula. Plant Ecology, 212: 1537-1548.
Gruntman M and Novoplansky A (2011) Implications of local-scale productivity on compensatory growth in a semi-arid shrubland. Journal of Arid Environments, 75: 279-283.
Gruntman M and Novoplansky A (2004) Physiologically-mediated self/nonself discrimination in roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 101: 3863-3867.